Earn that belt buckle & finisher Flannel (picture at bottom of page)! Big buckle for sub 24!

100 mile- 30 hours allowed to complete

Is this your first 100 milers? Then you will earn a "Ultra Virgin no more" ultra soft cherry pop t-shirt! Go get it! #popcherry

ultra virgin.jpg

100 mile solo- Western States 100 qualifier!

• Starts at 7am at Sinnissippi park , Saturday

• If you drop at anytime. Let aid station know or text RD 815-261-2667

• You are eligible for awards in the race you are signed up for.

• Bus service is race morning. You are picked up at the 100 mile finish line, and taken to the race starting line. That way you are at your car when you finish.

• Drop bags must be labeled with name/aid station/race you are entered in. The size should be no bigger than 18" X 12" x 10". That is the size of a normal gym bag. We will not be measuring your bag, but if it is obviously too large, we will not be able to deliver it and it will be left behind.

  • Crew is allowed only at aid stations marked Crew/Relay exchange allowed. This is for safety reasons. Please respect this, there is not safe parking at non crew aid stations. The one exception to going to these aid stations would be to pick up a runner unable to run any more. Be careful, watch for traffic if you must go to these locations.  

• Age group awards are 3 deep in 10 year AG spans

Drop bags are returned to finish line when station closes. You are welcome to pick up the drop bags earlier.

Military Discount- we offer a discount for anyone that has served. Contact us and we will send a coupon code.

• Super cool belt buckle for all finishers. Sub 20 hour buckle, Sub 24 hour buckle and Finisher buckle for finishing the course.

You must finish the race in under 30 hours to have it be a Western States Qualifier.

• Prize money for breaking the course record
• Trophy for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall

• Finisher Flannel presented at the finish line

• Race shirt to be picked up at Friday Packet pick up

• Overall winners do not also win AG awards
• Have fun! Never give up on yourself, and you will get to the finish line!